LFA The People's Shop Brixton 2023

SWC and Narrative practice were shortlisted for the 2023 LFA competition ‘Brixton Commons’ of which we were 1 of 6 teams. Our design focused on activating different unused street scapes with temporary events as part of a month long programme, based on themes found across trades prevalent to Brixton.

The themes were: ‘Bread’, ‘Words’, ‘Weave’. Bread referenced Brixton’s historic connection to the growing of grain and the Brixton mill, Words referenced the many artists, poets and rappers from Brixton and Weave linked to the textile industry prevalent in Loughborough Junction and the many hair weaving salons across the area.


We created a design that could be assembled and disassembled, and after the festival would be wheeled as a procession to a permanent site in Loughborough Junction to continue hosting workshops hosted by local stakeholders.
